Anila Noor is a refugee activist and founder of New Women Connectors, our partner movement striving to mainstream the unheard voices of migrant and refugee women living across Europe.
Based in The Netherlands, Anila has inspired many people, both in Europe and internationally, with her passionate and powerful message of breaking boundaries that limit an individual's potential.
New Women Connectors builds on Anila's pioneering work and we were delighted that Maysa Ismael from NWC was able to address us at our reception at the House of Lords on 21 February.
Real and lasting change requires an upshift in awareness. "I don't want people simply to hear what I have to say, I want them to feel and think about why I say it: why I have to say it", as Anila explains.
Watch Anila Noor's TEDx talk here| Anila Noor TEDx

Praying together for peace

Our economy as part of nature